Tenant Handbook
We have staff standing by to hear from you.

Find the answer in our FAQs.
- Please notify us at least 48 hours in advance as to the date and time of your scheduled move or large delivery.
- Moving of all furniture, fixtures and equipment may only be scheduled after 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and anytime on the weekends. Large deliveries, which can be accommodated by a dolly, may be taken by elevator from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Upon notification, DCM personnel will install moving pads inside the passenger elevator(s).
- The main entry doors should be used for all moves and deliveries. Use of side or garage entrances is prohibited, unless specifically approved by DCM in advance. All delivery vehicles will unload at curbside. Parking on the front sidewalk is strictly prohibited due to the potential damage of the sidewalk heating system.
- The moving contractor must provide a Certificate of Insurance prior to the move. The mover must be bonded and carry a minimum of $1 million combined single limit, property damage, worker’s compensation and public liability insurance. We suggest that you secure a Certificate of Insurance for your firm as well.
- Your moving contractor will be responsible for any damage to the building incurred during the move. To avoid unnecessary damage, we suggest you pad or otherwise protect all entrances, doorways, walls and floors affected by the move.
- Your moving contractor must report any electrical problems or equipment breakdowns that occur during your move. They are also responsible for removing all trash and bulky packing cartons
- DCM does not permit smoking in the lobbies or any common areas of the building. Individual tenants who allow smoking in their office suites may decide as to whether the moving crews may smoke in their designated areas within their suite.
- The Fire Marshall prohibits the blocking of any fire corridor, exit door, elevator, lobby, or hallway. Do not park moving or delivery vehicles in marked fire lanes.
All locks are on a master keyed system. If you should wish to change the locks on your suite, please call DCM. If you choose to use an alternate service, make sure proper access codes and key copies are provided to the Building Manager and that the locksmith meets with DCM personnel to ensure that the new locks remain on the building’s master keyed system. This allows appropriate personnel entry into your suite in the event of an emergency.
Your initial move-in provides for “building standard” signage that includes the Building Directory, elevator lobby and main suite door. This is the only signage allowed within the common areas of the building. Taping temporary standard signs to the building walls, suite doors, building or elevator doors or elevator walls is not permitted. DCM reserves the right to remove any non-standard signage at the tenant’s expense. Should you require additional signage or changes to existing signs, please contact our office and we will be happy to provide you with an estimate of the cost to perform the work.
Standard operating hours for the building’s heating and ventilation system are:
- 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
- 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday
- 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Sunday
The summer air conditioning equipment operates from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. We will be happy to arrange for service beyond the standard hours at an additional charge of 8.00 per hour during the winter months and 22.00 during the summer months.
Keep in mind that on the weekends, when the ventilation is the only system running, it is only effective if the outside temperature is below sixty degrees. You will be billed for the service on your next monthly rental statement. Requests for additional service should be placed at least 24 hours in advance by calling DCM at 907-564-2400.
If you need adjustments to the temperature of your office, please call us. Individual temperature adjustments must be handled by a member of the building staff. We will make every effort to provide an even temperature and an environment as comfortable as possible.
Most electrical heaters are unsafe for use near combustibles. We generally prohibit their use. Should individuals in your office require additional heat, DCM can provide safe electric heaters for their use under their desks.
Janitorial Services:
Janitorial services are provided nightly to the common areas of the building. Generally, office suites are provided with janitorial services nightly, Sunday through Thursday. Trash removal is provided daily as part of the service. Please do not place any extra trash outside or around the dumpster. If additional trash removal is necessary, please call us to make arrangements.
Snow Removal:
Snow removal in the parking lots is done when the accumulation reaches two inches or more. Sanding is done on a discretionary basis. Snow and ice removal on the sidewalks is a priority for the building engineering staff. Please contact DCM if you notice any unsafe conditions on the sidewalks or in the parking lots.
Handicap Access:
The building is handicap accessible. It is equipped with ramps, handicapped stalls in the restrooms and handicapped parking spaces. Should you need any additional help, please call us.
Building parking lots and/or garages are assigned parking only. Your lease may provide for specific parking assignments. Should you require additional parking, please contact us. We will be pleased to coordinate month-to-month parking spaces for you in the building lot, other surface lots, as well as the Captain Cook Parking Garage on a space available basis at our group rates. Charges for parking will be billed on your monthly statement.
All unauthorized vehicles in the parking areas will have a violation sticker placed on the driver’s window and are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense, without prior notification. If you encounter an illegally parked vehicle, please do not block the parking space by parking behind the vehicle. Call our office to report the violation. Note the make, color, and license number of the vehicle. You will be directed to a temporary parking space while we get yours cleared. Your cooperation will allow us the opportunity to promptly correct parking violations.
Someone in your space?
First, be ready to provide the license number, make, and color of the illegally parked vehicle. Then call maintenance at the DCM office 907-564-2400.
Once contacted, DCM will call for a tow truck and direct you to a temporary parking place. Please do not park in any other space or behind the illegally parked vehicle as this creates a “domino effect” and impacts other tenant parking.
Need to make changes to a parking permit?
Because of the paperwork involved, requests for changes in parking must be received no later than the 15th of the month prior to the month the change is to take effect. Call maintenance at 907-564-2400 and supply the following information:
- Tenant name and Suite number
- Number of spaces adding/deleting
- Parking lot requested
- Date change is to take effect
- Bicycles: Bicycles ridden to work may be secured outside of the building at the bike racks either in front of the building or in the parking garage.
- Solicitors: DCM has a strict no soliciting policy. If you encounter any solicitors, please contact the Building Manager.
- Water coolers: The installation of water coolers within your suite is permitted.
- Animals: With the exception of service animals, the possession of pets, birds, fish etc., in your suite is prohibited.
- Sleeping in the building: There is to be no overnight sleeping in your suite of the building.
- Theft: Report any theft, no matter how small, to Building Management. You may also call the Anchorage Police Department if the theft is large enough to investigate.